Working With the Result Object
When you perform server-side validations with ValidateThis the framework will return a Result object to you. You can use this Result object to provide you with a lot of information about reasons for a validation failure. This page describes many of the methods available in the Result object which return information about what happened during a server-side validation.
Getting Information about the results of a Server-Side Validation The following methods can be called to return information about what happened during a server-side validation.
The getIsSuccess() Method
The getIsSuccess() method will tell you whether the validations passed or not.
Return Value
The getIsSuccess() method returns a boolean, which will be true if the validations passed and false if the validations failed.
The getFailures() Method
The getFailures() method will return all of the metadata available about every failure that occurred during a server-side validation. This can be useful when you want to do some additional processing using this metadata. There are other methods in the Result object, described below, which can deliver pre-processed information, ready for output.
It accepts the following arguments:
locale (optional) A locale to use to translate failure messages.
Return Value
The getFailures() method returns an array of structures, with each structure containing information about a single validation failure. The keys available in the structure include:
message A message describing the validation failure.
type The type of validation that failed (e.g., required, email, custom, etc.).
clientFieldname The name of the field (from your form) that corresponds to the property that generated the failure.
propertyName The name of the property that generated the failure.
objectType The type of object that was validated. This corresponds to the name of your rules definition (xml) file.
theObject The actual object that was validated that generated the failure.
Note that you will likely only use the first three of these keys. The last two (objectType and theObject) are generally only used when looking at failures that involved the use of the isValidObject validation type with a complex graph of objects.
The getFailureMessages() Method
The getFailureMessages() method will return all of the failure messages that were generated during a server-side validation. This can be useful when you simply want to output all of the messages in a single block.
It accepts the following arguments:
locale (optional) A locale to use to translate failure messages.
Return Value
The getFailureMessages() method returns an array of strings, with each string being a single failure message.
The getFailuresAsString() Method
The getFailuresAsString() method will return all of the failure messages that were generated during a server-side validation as a single string. This is similar to the getFailureMessages() method described above but instead of an array of messages you get a single string with each message delimited by a delimiter (which defaults to an html
It accepts the following arguments:
delim (optional) The delimiter to use when concatenating the messages. Defaults to
locale (optional) A locale to use to translate failure messages.
Return Value
The getFailuresAsString() method returns a single string, consisting of all failure messages appended using the delimiter.
The getFailuresByField() Method
The getFailuresByField() method will return all of the metadata available about every failure that occurred during a server-side validation, in a structure with one key per clientFieldname. This can be useful when you want to do some additional processing for each field of your form (e.g., output the failures for a given field beside that field).
It accepts the following arguments:
limit (optional) The maximum number of failures to return per field. Defaults to an empty string which means no maximum.
locale (optional) A locale to use to translate failure messages.
Return Value
The getFailuresByField() method returns a structure of arrays of structures, with the key to each item in the outer structure being a clientFieldname, with each item containing an array identical to the array described for the getFailures() method above.
The getFailureMessagesByField() Method
The getFailureMessagesByField() method will return the failure messages generated during a server-side validation, in a structure with one key per clientFieldname. This can be useful when you want to do something with the messages for each field of your form (e.g., output the messages for a given field beside that field).
It accepts the following arguments:
limit (optional) The maximum number of failures to return per field. Defaults to an empty string which means no maximum.
delim (optional) The delimiter to use when concatenating the messages. Defaults to an empty string which generates an array. Providing any value will generate a string.
locale (optional) A locale to use to translate failure messages.
Return Value
The getFailureMessagesByField() method returns a structure with one key per clientFieldname. Each item in the structure will either be an array of failure messages, or a string in which each failure message has been concatenated using the specified delimiter.
The getFailuresByProperty() Method The getFailuresByProperty() method behaves exactly the same as the getFailuresByField() method, except the they keys in the structure use the propertyName instead of the clientFieldname. It is not likely that you will need to use this when generating output on an html page, but it could be useful if you are using the Result object for further processing within your model. Please see the getFailuresByField() method for more information.
The getFailureMessagesByProperty() Method The getFailureMessagesByProperty() method behaves exactly the same as the getFailureMessagesByField() method, except the they keys in the structure use the propertyName instead of the clientFieldname. It is not likely that you will need to use this when generating output on an html page, but it could be useful if you are using the Result object for further processing within your model. Please see the getFailureMessagesByField() method for more information.
The getTheObject() Method The getTheObject() method returns the object that was passed in for validation. This is useful if you want redirect after a failed validation and want to retrieve the populated object, so that you can prefill the form with the invalid data. Integration with Other Frameworks The following methods exist in the Result object to make integration with other frameworks easier.
The getFailuresForUniForm() Method The getFailuresForUniForm() method returns a structure of failure messages in a format that can be sent directly to the cfUniform form tag. This makes integration with cfUniform a snap. It is actually equivalent to calling getFailureMessagesByField() and specifying as the delimiter, but it’s nice to have a shortcut.
Model-Glue Integration The following methods exist in the Result object to provide an interface that is equivalent to the ModelGlue.util.ValidationErrorCollection object: getErrors() hasErrors() merge()
Manipulating the Result Object During your validation processing you can manually add failures to the Result object, as well as add failures from one Result object to another Result object.
The addFailure() Method
Use the addFailure() method to manually add a failure to a result.
It accepts the following arguments:
failure A structure with keys that contain information about the failure. At a minimum this must include a message key, but should generally include keys for propertyName and clientFieldname.
Return Value
The addResult() Method
Use the addResult() method to add the failures from another Result object into the current Result object.
It accepts the following arguments:
theResult A Result object whose failures you wish to add to this Result object.
Return Value
Debugging During development you can use the getDebugging() method of the the result object to see which rules / conditions have been evaluated by the BOValidator and whether they passed or failed. By default, debugging is disabled. The getDebugging() Method
Use the getDebugging() method to view information about which rules and conditions have been evaluated.
Return Value
The getDebugging() method returns an array of structs. For development use only, the data structure is subject to change.
The getFailuresAsStruct() Method Use the getFailuresByProperty() or getFailuresByField() method instead.