Supported Validation Types
ValidateThis comes bundled with a number of validation types, and you can also add your own validation types. This page describes all of the built-in validation types.
Default Failure Messages
Each validation type generates a default message when it fails, which generally includes the name of the property for which the failure occurred, as well as the values of the parameters defined for the rule. The default failure message for each rule type is documented below.
Note that by default each failure message is prepended with the word “The ”, followed by the property description, for example “The Email Address is required.” You can change the text that is prepended to the default validation failure message using the defaultFailureMessagePrefix key of the ValidateThisConfig Struct. For example, if you set defaultFailureMessagePrefix=“”, the example message above would be generated as “Email Address is required”.
Built-In Validation Types
The Boolean type ensures that the contents of a property is a valid ColdFusion boolean value.
Parameters: None
Default Failure Message: The propertyDescription must be a valid boolean.
Metadata Example:
The CollectionSize type ensures that the contents of a property is of a specific size. On the server this can be a list, struct or array. On the client it can be a multi-select form field.
min (optional) - the minimum size of the collection. Defaults to 1.
max (optional) - the maximum size of the collection. Defaults to min.
Default Failure Message: The propertyDescription size is not equal or greater than min. Or The propertyDescription size is not between min and max.
Metadata Examples:
The Custom type allows you to create a validation which uses any arbitrary CFML code. You do so by specifying the name of a method in your object that will perform the validation.
methodName - the name of the method in your object that determines whether the validation passes or not
remoteURL (optional) - a url that can be called via AJAX which will run code to determine whether the validation passes or not, and returns a message to the client
Default Failure Message: A custom validator failed. Note that this should be overridden using either the failureMessage attribute of the rule or via the data returned from the method called, although the former will not return a meaningful message for client-side validations.
Metadata Example:
The Date type ensures that the contents of a property is a valid date value.
Parameters: None
Default Failure Message: The propertyDescription must be a valid date.
Metadata Example:
The DateRange type ensures that the contents of a property is a valid date that falls between two dates.
from - the start date of the range
until - the end date of the range
Default Failure Message: The propertyDescription must be a date between from and until.
Metadata Example:
The DoesNotContainOtherProperties type ensures that the contents of a property does not contain values found in other properties. This can be used, for example, to ensure that a password property doesn’t include the user’s first or last names.
propertyNames - the names of the other properties
delim (optional) - the delimiter used in the list of other properties specified in the propertyNames parameter. Defaults to a comma.
Default Failure Message: The propertyDescription must not contain the values of properties named: propertyNames.
Metadata Example:
The Email type ensures that the contents of a property is a valid email address.
Parameters: None
Default Failure Message: The propertyDescription must be a valid email address.
Metadata Example:
The EqualTo type ensures that the contents of one property is the same as the contents of another property.
comparePropertyName - the name of another property
comparePropertyDesc (optional) - the description of the other property
Default Failure Message: The propertyDescription must be the same as the comparePropertyDesc.
Metadata Example:
The False type ensures that the contents of a property is a value that can be interpreted as false. This includes the values false,no and 0.
Parameters: None
Default Failure Message: The propertyDescription must be a false boolean.
Metadata Example:
The FutureDate type ensures that the contents of a property is a valid date that falls after a particular date.
after (optional) - defaults to the current date
Default Failure Message: The propertyDescription must be a date in the future. Note that if an after parameter is specified the message will be appended with: The date entered must come after after.
Metadata Examples:
The InList type ensures that the contents of a property is one of the values specified in a list.
list - the list of values to be searched
delim (optional) - the delimiter used in the list of values to be searched. Defaults to a comma.
Default Failure Message: The propertyDescription was not found in the list: list.
Metadata Example:
The Integer type ensures that the contents of a property is a valid integer value.
Parameters: None
Default Failure Message: The propertyDescription must be an integer.
Metadata Example:
The IsValidObject type is used to validate properties which contain other objects.
objectType (optional) - the type of object contained in the property. This corresponds to what you’d normally pass into the objectType argument of the validate method when manually validating an object.
context (optional) - the context to be used when validating the object contained in the property. Defaults to *, which is all or no contexts.
Default Failure Message: The propertyDescription is invalid: messages generated while validating the object.
Metadata Example:
The Max type ensures that the contents of a property contains a maximum value.
max - a number
Default Failure Message: The propertyDescription must be no more than max.
Metadata Example:
The MaxLength type ensures that the length of the contents of a property is no more than a certain number of characters.
maxLength - a number
Default Failure Message: The propertyDescription must be no more than maxLength characters long.
Metadata Example:
The Min type ensures that the contents of a property contains a minimum value.
min - a number
Default Failure Message: The propertyDescription must be at least min.
Metadata Example:
The MinLength type ensures that the length of the contents of a property is at least a certain number of characters.
minLength - a number
Default Failure Message: The propertyDescription must be at least minLength characters long.
Metadata Example:
The MinPatternsMatch type ensures that the contents of a property matches a minimum number of patterns. This can be used, for example, to ensure that a password property conforms to certain standards.
minMatches - the minimum number of patterns that the value must match
pattern_x - where x is the name of a pattern and the value of the parameter is a regex to be evaluated
Default Failure Message: numberOfPatternsMatched patterns were matched but minMatches were required.
Metadata Example:
The NoHTML type ensures that the contents of a property does not contain HTML.
Parameters: None
Default Failure Message: The propertyDescription cannot contain HTML tags.
Metadata Example:
The NotInList type ensures that the contents of a property is not one of the values specified in a list.
list - the list of values to be searched
delim (optional) - the delimiter used in the list of values to be searched. Defaults to a comma.
Default Failure Message: The propertyDescription was found in the list: list.
Metadata Example:
The Numeric type ensures that the contents of a property is a valid numeric value.
Parameters: None
Default Failure Message: The propertyDescription must be a number.
Metadata Example:
The PastDate type ensures that the contents of a property is a valid date that falls before a particular date.
before (optional) - defaults to the current date
Default Failure Message: The propertyDescription must be a date in the past. Note that if an before parameter is specified the message will be appended with: The date entered must come before before.
Metadata Examples:
The Range type ensures that the contents of a property contains a value between two numbers.
min - a number
max - a number
Default Failure Message: The propertyDescription must be between min and max.
Metadata Example:
The RangeLength type ensures that the length of the contents of a property is between two numbers.
minLength - a number
maxLength - a number
Default Failure Message: The propertyDescription must be between minLength and maxLength characters long.
Metadata Example:
The Regex type ensures that the contents of a property conforms to a regular expression.
regex - a regular expression
serverRegex (optional) - a regular expression
Default Failure Message: The propertyDescription must match the specified pattern.
Metadata Example:
The Required type ensures that the contents of a property is not empty.
Parameters: None
Default Failure Message: The propertyDescription is required.
Metadata Example:
The Time type ensures that the contents of a property is a valid time value in the format 00:00. This includes values between 00:00 and 23:59.
Parameters: None
Default Failure Message: The propertyDescription must be a must be a valid time, between 00:00 and 23:59.
Metadata Example:
The True type ensures that the contents of a property is a value that can be interpreted as true. This includes the values true,yes and any number other than 0.
Parameters: None
Default Failure Message: The propertyDescription must be a true boolean.
Metadata Example:
The URL type ensures that the contents of a property is a valid (properly formed) URL.
Parameters: None
Default Failure Message: The propertyDescription must be a valid URL.
Metadata Example:
Server Only Validation Types
The Expression type ensures that a cfml expression evaluates to true.
expression - the cfml expression to evaluate on the object.
Default Failure Message: [NONE]
Metadata Example: